20 signs that you are addicted to travel

20 signs that you are addicted to travel

20 signs that you are addicted to travel

Most people prefer to persist vacation. But there are some folks that are downright passionate about travel

it’s as if the travel bug is rarely completely cured. We’ve put together 20 signs that show you’re unmistakably a travel addict!

20 signs that you are addicted to travel lets start:

  1. You go through hours on sightseeing sites and sites.
  2. You spend most of your life planning your trips or traveling itself.
  3. They know the names of the airports of the largest cities in the world and their IATA codes.
  4. You always have money to hand in several currencies.
  5. You know how to say “hello” and “thank you” in a dozen languages ​​and speak at least 3 fluently.
  6. Your home is decorated with items and photos acquired on your travel adventures
  7. And your passport is like a collection of stamps.
  1. You have a talent for organization and a true master of the art of packing.
  2. You always use the online check-in and set speed records when passing the security check.
  3. You have (at least) one app on your smartphone that can convert and translate currencies.
  4. All of your savings go on travel.
  5. Your bucket list of future travel destinations is endless.
  6. You dream of being able to state “full-time traveler” as your profession at some point.
  7. You have friends on every continent and are regularly visited by other travelers at home.
  8. You are not homesick, but wanderlust.
  9. Her favorite books are “On the Road” by Jack Kerouac, “The Beach” by Alex Garland or “Eat Pray Love” by Elizabeth Gilbert.
  10. You will always be able to find a place to sleep. All over.
  11. Pad Thai, ceviche and jiǎozi are among your favorite dishes.
  12. You dream of having a map, an airplane or perhaps a compass tattooed on you.
  13. Nothing makes you happier than being on the move.

20 signs that you are addicted to travel

And … are you addicted to travel?

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