Five Things You Dont Know About Maldives Trip, Go Bookings Travels

Five Things You Dont Know About Maldives Trip

Five Things You Dont Know About Maldives Trip

welcome to the Maldives The Republic of Maldives is known

as the number one destination for honeymoon in the world ,

it contains the most luxurious resorts ,

transparent turquoise bodies of water over sight and sandy

islands the least that can be said about it,

that it is a paradise but on the 1200 island over there ,

certainly there is more then this stereotypical picture that

is painted in our minds about it away from the resorts ,

i wanted to share with you five informations

that it is necessary to know about the Maldives

Maldives – islamic country

1. the Maldives is a very committed islamic country ,

in the world there are only two countries that their citizens are fully muslims ,

the first one is Saudi Arabia and the second one

is the Republic of Maldives,

that prevents any non-Muslim from carrying citizenship that’s why entering alcohol is forbidden,

also as a boy you are not allowed to swim without a t-shirt and for girls,

you are not allowed to swim with bikini while life in resorts is totally different,

and all things that are forbidden outside it , are allowed besides you wil feel the call to prayer which is rarely heard in East Asia.

Traveling Maldives Trip

2.the cheap traveling is possible In the past it was impossible to visit the Maldives except in the resorts ,

but now after they allowed tourism on the local islands natural travelling is possible,

we were walking in here and i was looking to those people and i was like what’s happening ?

what’s going on ? and then i remembered that im in the Maldives ,

that’s a normal thing this place is not for us , it’s for people who came for honeymoon Average 25$ a room per night,

10 dollars for food and 3 dollars for transport between the islands ,

have made the Maldives not exclusive to the bourgeoise only .

Okey so im going to show you a restaurant prices that it is not considered cheap .

the meal is between 50 and 60 which is equivalent to 4$ to 5$ the regular melas are between 75 and 80,

if we want sea food it coasts 120 up to six or seven or eight dollars.

Drugs law in the Maldives

3.Drugs although drugs are generally prohibited by law in the Maldives ,

but i saw many people consuming a strange kind of nuts after eating i asked about it ,

and i found out that it’s a Betel nut it is widespread in East Asia and it’s considered in several countries as a drugs ,

usually people chew it with some ingredients to give them energy Personally i’ve tried it ,

and it tasted bad but the majority of locals love it because of the energy that it gives them.

language in Maldives Tourism

4. the language . One of the things that caught my attention in the Maldives,

the form of writing of the Maldivian language,

We have here the Quran ( islamic holy book ) in Maldivian language it’s very similar to the Arabic language,

and it depends on the accents on the letters.

Global Warming in Maldives

5. the Global Warming the Maldives is one of the most affected

countries by the results of the Global Warming

begining with the coral reefs that are shifting from a paradise under water to a graveyard free from the colors of life,

Studies show that the Maldives is threatened to be burried

underneath the water in 2100 ,

and all this is the result of human negligence

and our lack of interest about our planet.

i hope that this unimporatnt informations has widen my trip all over the world i dont know why im extremly happy ,

your knowledge may you be loaded with travels ,

and i wanted to document this moment i cant believe it ,

im walking and in a moment i thought that im in the Maldives,

and im walking on Maldives’s streets im going to see my friend.

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