How To Plan My Trip? Best Travel Plan, Go Bookings Travels

How To Plan My Trip? Best Travel Plan

How to plan my trip? Best travel plan,How can a person enjoy his trip with low expenses?

And how can a person arrange his trip from A to Z?

When to travel? How? The way to arrange your trip. If you want to know all of this,  I’ll explain it to you in details.

and today we will talk about a very beautiful topic. The experience of traveling is a hobby for a lot of people.

There are some people who travel to discover new places, and some travel for meditation, and also for a safari.

Everyone has their own goal. Traveling is considered a goal and a destination. If you didn’t plan it correctly, it will be a waste of time and money.

But people who plan trip for what they want correctly will reach it, and maybe better. In this world,

there aren’t successful works, whether small or big, unless you have a proper plan, or the right way.How To Plan My Trip? Best Travel Plan.

  I will talk about the right way of planning a successful trip without much work or expenses.

identifying the type of our trip

We will start the first point which is identifying the type of our trip.

How To Plan My Trip? Best Travel Plan

How To Plan My Trip? Best Travel Plan, Go Bookings Travels
How To Plan My Trip? Best Travel Plan

Is it a family trip? Or a family trip with children? Or just a cheap trip for young people? Or just you alone.

This is the main thing you must know before any trip in order to plan the next steps I am going to mention later on.

identifying the reason for your trip plan

The next point is identifying the reason for your trip, and the meaning of that is whether it is for fun, shopping, a specific activity, meditation and so on.

Identifying the type of the trip depends on the reason of it, and on the people traveling with you. For instance, if it was a trip for youngsters,

it will be confined to beaches and activities that suit these youngsters. If it was for meditation or your honeymoon, It will confine to going to places that are quite calm,

and that suits your honeymoon or meditation. But if you were in a family trip, and you have children with you,

you won’t think of places where you’ll walk a lot, or places that will tire you like hiking, and this thing will ruin your whole trip.

identifying your destination and the visa

The third point is identifying your destination and the visa.

Identifying the destination will, of course, be after identifying the type of your trip. If you were a family, youngsters and so on.

In this case, you will identify the destination you want. When choosing your destination, do not forget to consider the best time to visit this country that you want.

In terms of the weather and other matters. Some countries are equatorial, and they are always hot.

Let’s say you don’t like the cold weather, but you want to travel in the winter.

It is normal to not consider Europe because the weather in there will be cold. After knowing your destination, you need to know if you must have a visa or not.

More importantly, you need to know the time required to have the visa before traveling.

identifying your budget for your trip

And know let’s go to the fourth point which is identifying your budget, the travel duration, and your dates.

After identifying the type, reason and destination of your trip, you need to identify the duration you’ll stay in this country, or this trip.

After identifying the time you’ll stay in this trip, you can identify the budget you need in this trip.

But the budget will also depend on the type of your journey. Will you stay in a hostel? In a hotel? Will you ride a train? Bus? Taxis and cars?

These things change from one another. And after identifying the duration and the budget you have. You can identify the dates of your trip now.

My advice to you, if you booked the tickets and the hotels, try booking them way before your trip to benefit from the offers online and so on.

booking the tickets, hotels

And now we reached the fifth point which is booking the tickets, hotels. Most people, when they decide to travel,

How To Plan My Trip? Best Travel Plan, Go Bookings Travels

they go to the travel agency at first and they say ” I’ll travel in this day, book me some tickets, hotels and everything else”

But my advice to you, if you want to save up, even for a little, just book online. Because the travel agencies do take some benefits,

even for a bit, but believe me, it should be mainly for you. For booking tickets and hotels, believe me it is not that hard.

For booking tickets and hotels, I The type of residence you’ll stay in depends on all of the points I mentioned earlier.

Which is the first step:
type of your trip, for family, youngsters, with kids, a honeymoon and so on. And the next point: the reason of your trip, is it for meditation, shopping and so on.

And the next thing, of course, the budget. If you plan all of this, you will, definitely, know the type of residence you will have to stay in, in your journey.

For instance, if it was your honeymoon, you will look for a hotel next to a beach, and something nice and classy.

or if you are traveling alone, or with youngsters, something cheap, you will look for a hostel and so on.

arranging a tourism agenda Trip

The fifth point is identifying a tourism agenda. Believe me, one of the most essential things, and that will make you trip easier,

is arranging a tourism agenda for the country or the city you will visit before traveling. And there are several ways to arrange your trip.

For example, the forums on the internet, or following the travelers on the social media, or even the Youtube.

and you can benefit from the website ‘ TripAdvisor ‘ and remember, benefiting from other’s experiences will help you create an excellent image of your plan of your trip.

If you were traveling alone, and you are the type of the person who doesn’t like doing activities alone, I’ll put for you a website here that will help you go on some activities with a group of tourists.

Always remember that if you made a schedule, you don’t have to follow it exactly.

For example, if someone advised you to go to a certain city for a night, but when you went there, you liked it, and decided to stay in it for a longer time.

It is okay to stay in it for more than a night, and change your schedule. And don’t forget everyone has a different taste.

Learn the language, just a bit

which is: Learn the language, just a bit. believe me when you learn the language of the country you will visit,

it will destroy a lot of boundaries between you and other people while communicating, and if you want to know the location of a certain place and so on.

some may say  “no I am shy” or  people will laugh at me” and so on. Believe me no one will laugh at you,

and they will be glad that you are trying to speak in their language.

Let me give you an example, if you entered a restaurant, and you found a Filipino saying ” Marhaba ya Sheikh ” You will smile to him because he tried speaking Arabic.

Even if it was broken, you will be happy that he tried. And this exactly what happens with people from other countries.

If you tried speaking with them in their language, they will accept you, and will not laugh at you.

Even if they smiled, they will do so because they are glad you are trying to speak their language. And now, I will give you some of the most important advices you’ll need before traveling.

important advices To plan trip

First of all, check the validity of your bank cards.

Second of all, if you need any vaccinations for the country you will visit. Third of all, an image of your passport, or a personal image just in case.

The fourth thing is to print out your tickets or hotel reservations also as just in case..

The fifth thing is to arrive at the airport before your flight by two hours just in case. The sixth thing is to not carry your whole money in your pocket while traveling.

if your were robbed or you lost your wallet. You will be in trouble, and will ruin your whole trip. The best thing is to carry a small amount with you,

what you need for the day, and the rest just keep it in a safety box in the hotelHow To Plan My Trip? Best Travel Plan.

The last thing is to respect the rules of the country you are going to, and to represent a good image of your country.

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