travel to croatia Guide – Croatia places To Visit, Go Bookings Travels

travel to croatia Guide – Croatia places To Visit

travel to croatia Croatia Travel Guide – Croatia places To Visit

Croatia is known for its crystal clear waters pebbly beaches and medieval cities and historic ruins.

it is an amazing place for couples solo travelers and families this travel guide will show you what to do what to eat and where to stay.

welcome to our Croatia Travel Guide

split and Dubrovnik are the two most popular places to stay in Croatia and for good reason split is close to many parks waterfalls and islands.

Dubrovnik is unquestionably the place most people should see if not for its amazing historical architecture.

but for its beauty alone is not seen anywhere else one of our favorite citiesin the world to visit is split.

when you go there here are some must do’s Marjanpark this is a beautiful park in the middle of the city of split .

marjan park

we’re going to marjan park and I apologize because I’m probably not pronouncing itcorrectly at all.

it’s known as the green lung it’s like center of split there are awesome things to do here including renting bikes hiking to the top for an amazing 360-degree view,

and stopping at one of the small beaches with beautiful crystal blue water where you can go for a swim or just enjoy at the tranquil view.

this park is fairly large and you are able to spend the whole day here if you so choose do you have any active living healthy living tips today always ride a bike what happens with that ah get strong legs and knees knees?

Beaches in croatia

“travel to croatia” the beaches of Croatia are incredibly beautiful there are many beaches all along thecoast of the Adriatic Sea and most of them aren’t that busy the water is warm crystal-clear and surprisingly calm.

a few of our favorites close to split include bacvice Beach this is a busy sandy beach and the centre is split ok October 3rd what’s the temperature out?

26 no no it’s 29 she got the 6 upside down big beach in the town of omis has stunning views of mountains and the ocean this Beach is about a 30 minute drive from split.

this is a good day the water is so calm on the beaches here it’s not huge waves not good for surfers but for families it’s so good.

and there’s nobody here I feel so relaxed all the beaches in Marjan Park is they are less busy and absolutely beautiful.

podstrana Beach with smooth white pebbles for sand is a great place to watch the sunsets speaking of sunsets make sure you catch one is there absolutely stunning in Croatia.

look how beautiful this is so beautiful calm water and the Sun is setting and the kids are swimming mid October Riva Harbor this sea side promenade in downtown.

travel to croatia Guide – Croatia places To Visit, Go Bookings Travels
split croatia

split is on the edge of old town and is one of the most popular and important places in split it has tons of cafes restaurants shops and even cultural events..

although it isn’t cheap to eat here but it’s fun to hang out and people watch well so far we’re finding the food extremely expensive.

we just got to Slurpees about this big translates to about 5 dollars each Canadian kils fortress.

this is a cool medieval fortress situated above the village of klis near split croatia.

it was also used as a set in the game of thrones it has an incredible view of split and was the host to many croatian kings daddy.

these holes are for bow and arrows right or Spears or hot oil hot oil? once you see this 2,000 year old fortress in person you’ll be amazed and wonder what life was like back.

then and what it was like to defend it from attacks would this stop a sword? that would stop a sword except for the hole where the sword go through no but you would put this down this over top yes that would stop a sword it would?

yes but it would hurt I don’t know a lot lets try it get a sword no put it on yeah you got to come here it’s pretty cool.

it’s not too bad in pricing I think it was about five Canadian dollars for adults and 2.50 for kids so that’s pretty good diocletian’s palace.

this palace is located in downtown split close to Riva Harbor this is so old it’s crazy built in like the fourth century as asummer residence and as a military camp.

I’m so excited to see this place I love Roman stuff come with me I’m taking you on an adventure it was built for the Roman Emperor Diocletian is one of the best preserved monuments of the Roman Empire.

it makes up about half of Old Town in split croatia when you go besure to check out the foundation below bell tower and the Cryptit’s.

a little scary climbing the bell tower as the railings aren’t really safeand it’s really high up but the view is spectacular.

OK this isn’t good for the faint of heart for those who have a fear of heights I’m a little freaked out here I feel like I need to hang on to the building.

especially walking up the railings there’s like awhole bunch of space in between so if you trip you could slip through splits old town old town is a maze of cobblestone streets that surround diocletian’s palace.

the center of old town is known as the People’s Square which is filled with cafes and restaurants you can spend a whole day here.

walking shopping and enjoying localcuisine just outside of the whole town is the statue of Gregory of nin he was abishop in medieval times who was known for opposing the Pope and defying the Catholic Church in Rome.

it is said if you rub his big toe and make a wish it will come true careful for what you wish for here’s some luck.

I need some should I kiss it too ewe sure noooo Krka waterfalls this is a must-see when visiting Croatia it’s a series of seven cascading waterfalls into pools below you can swim at the base of the largest waterfallfrom.”travel to croatia”

June 1st to September 30th you’ll be told to stop swimming in other months what happened I got kicked out of the water by the park people did he say why?

n it’s a 45 minute drive north is split get there early as it is extremely busy holy crap i thought this was low season I couldn’t imagine high season here.

it’s crazy there’s people everywhere if you don’t see these waterfalls you may regret it omis the town omis is situated at the mouth of the Cetina River.

backed by walls and mountains overlooking the Dalmatian coast it’s a sight to be seen home to the legendary pirates.

who raidedtrade ships passing by then retreated to omis to their well-guarded hide outs these hide outs consisted of two towers which are very well preserved and agreat outing for the whole family.

okay I made it I climbed to the top of the Mirabella fortress you have to go up this for me super scary ladder and it took me two attempts because I have a fear of heights and it was absolutely terrifying.

I find everything here terrifying because we keep climbing abunch of stuff after wards you can retreat to the beautiful pebble beaches and explore the shops and cafes in the town.

below Plitvice Lakes National Park located in central Croatia it is known for its chain of 16 terraced Lakes joined by over 90 waterfalls oh my god there’s waterfalls everywhere everywhere we go.

even walked on top of a boardwalk with waterfalls look at that that’s just one of the waterfalls we’re gonna see today beautiful place visiting the parkis at least a 1 day activity.

if not more be cautious on the time of year you decide to visit as it will most likely be over run by thousands of tourists inpeak season.

we were lucky when we went to in October as it felt like we had the park to our selves and the fall colors were stunning although it was a bit chilly there is a ferry which takes you to the first set of trails and then justa lot of scenic hiking throughout lush trails with waterfalls lakes.

and creeks every where this is a must-see when traveling Croatia looks like we saved the best for last look at that .

we’ve been seeing waterfall after waterfall how many waterfalls have we seen? 40 40 45 35 I don’t know I didn’t count.

soccer stadium tour we’re getting alittle tour and it’s just us the kids are loving it if you’re a soccer fan then a tour the split soccer stadium is a lot of fun you get taken into the stadium and taught about the history of the team.

one interesting thing we learn is that they buried the last trophy they want as does Yugoslavia team in the foundation for 20 years as not to lose it during the Bosnian war.

how do you feel that your nemesis Alex wasn’t in the game tonight and you guys won I don’t know do you feel like it was a good victory without Alex on the other team.

you did yes okay hvar this is a beautiful island and should be on your list it has lots of water stuff to do and as close to the blue caves .

but if you go in October like we did the island is basically shut down and you wouldn’t have much to do don’t make the mistake we did and plan on going in the summer months travel to croatia.

Dubrovnik Croatia Travel Guide

travel to croatia Guide – Croatia places To Visit, Go Bookings Travels

Dubrovnik located in southern Croatia if you are driving from split you will have to go through Bosnia as it is land locked by borders.

it is amust-see though some things to do are old town this is one of the most interesting sights to see in Croatia.

it’s entirely surrounded by fortress walls built in the 14th and 15th centuries to protect from invasion these walls overlook the Adriatic Sea and are referred to as the China wall of Europe .

you’ll be blown away by the history and architecture to the point where you feel like you’ve traveled back in time there are oranges and pomegranates everywhere.

here I never knew they grew in places anywhere I just thought they just showed up at the grocery store be aware that old town is an expensive adventure as the prices for almost everything is close to triple the cost of anywhere else in Dubrovnik mount srd.

a top mount srd you’ll be treated to an amazing view of dubrovnik old town and nearby islands you can drive up on asingle lane road hike up or take a quick four-minute gondola ride.

you can also take ATV tours have lunch and maybe get to pet a donkey or two there’s donkey sup here that’s awesome and that’s like a I don’t know 2,000 foot drop.

they don’t care just pet him he’s gonna let you pet him trust me I wouldn’t ah boat ride there are many places to see by boat sipan Island which is a one-hourboat ride from Dubrovnik lokrum island.

which is a quick ferry ride where you can hang out on rocky beaches you can also charter aboat down the on blow river which feeds into the ocean swimming pools.

there are not many pools open to the public but you can inquire at hotels if they are willing to let you use their pools.

we are fortunate enough to have the Valmer Club Hotel let us use their pool for a day even though we didn’t stay there.

they’re letting us use their pool and beach club for free all we have todo is buy a couple of drinks car rental car rentals are fairly inexpensive in Croatia.

we got a car for two weeks for around two hundred dollars Canadian the only issue we had was that we had to put down a $1,200 deposit which gets returned at the end if there’s no damage to the vehicle.

with Google Maps driving Croatia is simple and stress-free as the roads are not very busy what to eat grocery stores don’t have the same selection as North America and sometimes it’s hard to get good produce.

Croatia is known for great seafood we also had great pizza and Greek gyros restaurant prices vary and are not based on the quality of food sometimes.

it felt like they just charged whatever they wanted to what do you think of your 9 dollar smoothie?

it’s ok it was 45 kuna which is 9 dollars canadian so it’s really expensive it’s a colada it taste good it’s pretty small for 9 dollars that’s for sure.

we found getting help from a hotel and Airbnb on where to eat the best source of information where to stay in Croatia staying at an Airbnb is amazing.

not only will you can most likely save money overa hotel you will immerse yourself in the Croatian culture plus you’ll have more space and the hosts have local knowledge of the places to see restaurants.

and things to do one example is we had pizza delivered from this amazing pizza placewe’re only ten dollars Canadian.

we would have never heard of this place otherwise if you’re looking for a place with stunning beauty and plenty of adventurous activities to do then definitely put Croatia on your list of countries to travel .

Croatia Travel Guide – Croatia places To Visit

there are so much to do amazing food to eat and awesome accommodations please join our Facebook group to connect with us as we’d love to hear from you and oh yeah if you haven’t already don’t forget comment below tell us what you think.

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