5 Travel Tips – Go level up your Travel, Go Bookings Travels

5 Travel Tips – Go level up your Travel

5 Travel Tips – Go level up your Travel

well I wish you all to travel more this year. So, New Year has come. 365 days of new opportunities.

  Many used to take resolutions, fix goals for the year.  I’m going to give few travel goals for you.

I have been following the habit of fixing travel goals nearly for the past 5 years.

Every year I used to fix on the 1st day of the year, how I should travel in that year. So, I will give you a compile of it.

It’s not only for solo travelling. It will be useful for all types of travellers. Because, few like solo travelling,

few will be trekkers, few do travel to explore architectures, few do travel to beach locations.

So, this vlog will be addressing all kinda travellers. When we plan and execute these goals, it will be useful to plan travel throughout the year.

come let’s see..what are all the travel goals.

First, ‘Climbing a peak’

In nature, we can’t see a good teacher than a mountain. We can learn many good things from mountain.

In specfic, 3 important things a mountain can teach.



climbing a peak gives you good mental and physical strength. So, in the year start itself when we fix a goal of climbing and conquering a mountain.

Thorough out the year it will be an encouragement for us. Same way, when we practice for the mountain..built physical endurance.. and conquer it..

We will feel like we have made an achievement. I’ve said it many times in many of my blogs.

decide to climb a peak in the year start itself. A peak should be more than 600 m. i.e., in ft it should be more than 2000 ft.

That’s what will come under peak category. So, select a mountain like that and climb. If you ask, where to look for the mountains.

If you surf in Google, in western ghats alone itself you will get nearly 77 peaks. The list will have Mannamala..Meesapulimala..Anamudi peak..Kumaraparvatha.

If you come to Maharashtra side..Rajgad, Raigad are there. Like that many peaks are there.

So among that which ever peak interest’s you, mark it. Either one or two peak, mark it. Plan for it, build your physical endurance and conquer it.

Second, ‘Next level budget trip’

Everyone of us while traveling, we will keep a budget in mind and make travel plans. i.e., always we have a fixed budget within us.

In my scenario, I did many travel in 3k budget in my earlier days. So, like that our guys have a budget constraint always.

In this year, for one trip break the budget constraint and try to improve it. It might be a solo travel or group travel.

Why I suggest this is.. if we change the budget from 3k to 5k or from 5k to 7k accordingly you will have a need to be more efficient in your professional life.

Same way, you will be in a necessity to learn money saving. These things will start to improve from this travel.

I suggest to have this next level trip as one travel goal.

Why I suggest you to do the next level budget trip is.. this barrier will get broken, also it will create you a opportunity to visit different locations.

You can visit the other extent (North/South) of India, it might happen to travel by air, your travel might tend to become bit comfortable.

I recommend to have yearly one travel like this. So, keep this as a goal.

Third, ‘Visiting a museum alone

This is my most favourite goal. I don’t know how many of you do it. Because usually travellers visit mountains or beach.

That’s how they used to travel. No one will visit a museum to spend a travel day. But I recommend it.

Because, in a museum we will get to see a countries prestigious culture.. civilization.. about Kings.. weapons.. technological development.

in a museum we get exposed to all kinda details. Same way visiting a museum makes us a good observer.

Because, we are supposed to keen observe things there. So, I recommend to go alone and spend a day in museum.

Sure, this will give you a great experience. Nearly 300 museums are there in India. The surf list of ‘best museum’ itself will give you nearly 50 museum’s. So, many museums are there.

Madras museum itself is a excellent one. In fact, I say Madras museum as the best museum among the museum’s I have visited so far.

visiting a museum gives you such a great experience. So, in this year find a museum of your interest and fix a goal to visit it.

It will give you an unforgettable experience.

Fourth goal, ‘Read a book’

Don’t ask what is the connection between books and travel. Now only many travel movie’s has come and people are inspired of it and starting to travel.

If you see before 5 to 7 year’s, travel movie’s are very less. Books is what motivated many to start their travel at that time.

Same way, when you read a book in a travel, we can’t find a good companion than a book. It will be your best friend.

I suggest to keep book reading as one goal this year. If you doesn’t have a reading habit too, read just one book this year.

I’m not insisting to read more book or book of more pages. In fact I won’t read a book more than 200 pages.

All the books I have are less than 200 pages only. So, like that fix a small book of good story as a travel book and read it.

That will improve your travel further. Because, as you read books you will start to look at life beautifully. Your travel will turn to be more beautiful.

So, I recommend reading a book as a goal.

5 Travel Tips – Go level up your Travel

Fifth, ‘Visiting a new place’

Usually it seems like we are travelling a lot. But the destinations we travel nearly looks the same.

For eg, people travelling from TamilNadu mostly travel in Western ghats. So, if you see in western ghats.

. Ooty, Kodaikanal, Munnar, Valparai all these destination’s have a common things like.. tea plantation, a lake, a good resort and mountain ranges.

So, like this travel will be repeating. What I suggest is.. break this boundary and find a entirely different location and travel.

It can be a unknown beach destination or a village destination completely unaffected by tourism.

find a place like that and travel. Same way you can explore new festivals. I have been to places I’m completely unaware of.

I ve been to Kannur. In Kannur I have been to deep intricated places. Those all had gave me life time experiences.

like that you too find a subtle intricate place and travel. That wil broaden our views. We get to understand more about India.

about village’s. Infact that’s how I explored Kurangani and all. So, yearly once find a place like this. Mark it and travel.

That will give you a great experience. So, these are the 5 goals I’m suggesting. When you plan and execute these goals sure it will give you a dynamic travel experience. Same way, it has different travel activity.

Solo travel is there, trekking is there, we gonna visit a museum, a festival. So, when we plan like this, this year will give you a dynamic travel experience.

Same way, note the goals in a note. It will be even more useful for planning. Achieve how much ever possible this year and can carry forward the rest to next year.

And in the description of this video I have suggested 3 things I personally enjoyed under each of the goals. Have a look at it.

5 Travel Tips – Go level up your Travel

It might be a good example for you to plan. I will not suggest to follow the same. Plan from your heart. This year will be an unforgettable travel year for you.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. zoritoler imol

    I visited a lot of website but I believe this one holds something special in it in it

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