Travel in cairo places you must visit!, Go Bookings Travels

Travel in cairo places you must visit!

Travel in cairo and visit cairo

What i do in Cairo?places you must visit cairo! travel in cairo

Cairo, the capital of Egypt, a huge metropolis.  The largest city in Africa.
Busy volume crazy, dirty and beautiful.  A city of dirty streets and huge monuments that live together.

A city where the power of ancient civilizations shines alongside collapsing infrastructure. 

A city that grew wild out of a glorious past.

visit cairo is a mighty and glittering city.  After all, she is El Cairo – the winner.

It is located where the longest river in the world, the Nile, splits into its delta.

What do you do in Cairo?places you must visit!

Here is the list:Travel in cairo

The pyramids of Giza Travel in cairo

One of the 7 wonders of the world.  were built in the third millennium BC and support modern Egypt even today. 

The city of the dead with the huge mausoleums in the shape of the triangle.

It is advisable not to give up entering the pyramid of Pharaoh Cheops and not to give up the over 4 thousand year old ship ,

that was buried at the foot of the pyramids and survived in its entirety to be presented to the tourist crowd.

It would also be a great sin to give up the impressive Sphinx that has guarded the city of the dead for thousands of years.

recommended to come 10 minutes before the opening, otherwise the place fills up with unbearable queues.


The capital of Muslim Egypt since the 7th century AD (although there was a city there in the Roman period as well) and today it is called Cairo.

In the ancient and special city are the ancient churches including the hanging church from the 3rd century AD when Egypt became an important Christian center.

There were also important synagogues in Fostat, including the Ivan Ezra Synagogue where the famous Cairo Genizah was discovered.

Ivan Tolon Mosque

After the great Muslim caliphate founded by the successors of the Prophet Muhammad began to collapse – a local ruler,

Muhammad Ibn Tulun, established his own kingdom in the 9th century (until the arrival of the Fatimids in the 10th century) and his huge mosque is very impressive. 

A forest of arches and a unique mosque minaret.

visit cairo Hasan Mosque

The mosque was built in the 14th century after the Mamluks, slave-warriors, took power in Egypt from the heirs of Saladin (who in turn took power from the Fatimids). 

The place is actually a huge and impressive madrassa.  It is vaguely reminiscent of the Madrasahs of Central Asia (where most of the Mamluks originally came from).

Travel in cairo Khan El Khalili market

Imagine the old city of Jerusalem only 10 times bigger. A well-preserved medieval building style.

Streets upon streets of ancient and crowded eastern construction next to huge and beautiful ancient mosques. 

It is ancient Cairo that stimulates the imagination and makes it fly to the realms of the tales of a thousand and one nights.

It is a must to get lost there when beyond every bend hides a wonderful sight of an Arab city from the Middle Ages.

Saladin Citadel and the Alabaster Mosque

It is hard to miss the medieval stone citadel topped by the huge silver-domed mosque.  The mosque is very similar to the huge mosques of Turkey and especially to the famous Blue Mosque.

In fact, the Blue Mosque inspired the construction of this mosque. 

If so, there are some style changes that were unique to 19th century Cairo that warrant a visit. 

Besides, there is a great panorama from the courtyard of the mosque over the city of Cairo.

Tahrir Square

It is the place where the revolution of 2011 took place.

revolution in which the Muslim Brotherhood came to power and ruled the land of the Nile for one year until another revolution took place in the same place.

Around the square are impressive and preserved colonial buildings as well as shops and restaurants. 

The city center surrounding Tahrir Square is a real post-colonial oriental gem.

Tomb of President Sadat

The president who fought Israel in the Doomsday War, who signed the peace agreement with Israel and paid for it with his life. 

His tomb takes inspiration from the splendor of Pharaonic Egypt and the pride of Arab-Egyptian nationalism.


About 40 minutes from the city is the oldest pyramid among the complex of pyramids in Egypt and it is Chaucer’s Step Pyramid. 

Instead, you can enter the pyramid of Onas, view the impressive city of the dead, visit Seraphum, a system of burial caves for sacred bulls,

and see the burial site of the noble Mararuka located in the mastaba, a mausoleum of the nobles of ancient Egypt.

The statue of Ramses II in Memphis (Moff)

Matt remains of the old city but few remains can be found at the charming site not far from the Sacra.

we’ll end with my Percy Bish sonata:

I met a traveler from an ancient land who said: Two vast and trunkless legs of stone stand in the desert. 

Near them, on the sand, half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown, and wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command, Tell that its sculptor well those passions read.

Which still survive, stamped on these lifeless things.

The hand that mocked them and the heart that fed.

And on the pedestal these words appear – “My name is Ozymandias, king of kings look at my works, ye mighty, and despair!”

Nothing beside remains.  Round the decay of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare, the lone and level sands stretch far away.

Booking travel to cairo

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