Go Travel Japan Tokyo : My Travel Advise, Go Bookings Travels

Go Travel Japan Tokyo : My Travel Advise

Go Travel Japan Tokyo : My Travel Advise

What is special about this place is the intersection. It is the biggest intersection in Japan, and it is one of the biggest ones in the world.

The number of people crossing this intersection.. Welcome  specifically from Tokyo.

My journey start with Etihad Airways and specifically from Abu Dhabi which took nine hours and a half to reach Narita Airport.

As usual, the last person to receive his bag is me. The first thing I did when I arrived is buying the internet chip.it costs 9000 YEN for one week.

Then, I went to receive the JR pass card for the trains which I will talk about later on. After receiving the JR pass card, it took me about an hour or an hour and a half To arrive the hostel I booked.

When I Arrived in Japan

Since it is my first time in Japan. it took so long, and I got lost a lot.

After suffering, I found the hostel I booked. Now our journey will begin. Now I got out of the hostel. Honestly I am in a beautiful hostel.

I am heading to a region named Shibuya. The most complicated thing in here are the trains. The train network in Tokyo is considered one of the biggest networks worldwide.

There are 8.7 million passengers daily.
it is hard to know where to go and come since day one. Even if you use Google Maps, it would be hard a bit.

The is an app named Japan Official. It helps you to know the trains and the platforms and these stuff. I’ll put it above, it will ease up your use of trains.

In every station, they have a path just for women. This place behind me, only women stand there. Every morning, the have an hour or a number of journeys for women only.

This is to help lessen the harassment and so on. It is quiet, no one is talking. You will find all people run in these stations because if it is said that the train will be in 25 minutes, the train WILL be in 25 minutes.

The trains are never late. After walking for an hour, we find a restaurant with an English menu. We will try their food, noodles and other things.

Shibuya region in Tokyo

We are done eating. We know nothing about this place. We don’t even know what is this food. It was good. Right now I am in Shibuya. It is one of the 23 regions in Tokyo.

What is special about this place is the intersection. It is the biggest intersection in Japan, and it is one of the biggest ones around the world.

More than 3 million people cross this intersection daily. It is better to come to this place in the evening because it is honestly prettier.

If you come to Shibuya, and you wanted to see this intersection, I recommend you to see this intersection from Starbucks in here. It is prettier from above, and you will be able to see the intersection clearly.

They came to have fun, see! I liked it, and I crossed this intersection three times.

I closed the camera, and he told me to open it to chat. I opened it for him. The name of this statue is Hachiko.

Hachiko Story

Its story is great. This dog belonged to a professor who lived in Japan or was Japanese.

It waited for him, everyday, in the station when he came back from work. The professor died, but the dog kept waiting for him in here for 10 years.

People always saw it on their way until they knew its story, and after 10 years,  it died and they made this statue to immortalize it.

Things To Do in Japan

There are strange restaurants and cafes in Tokyo.

Go Travel Japan Tokyo : My Travel Advise

Today I will show you one only. This cafe is named Kawaii Monster. One of the cafes in Tokyo that has a strange theme.

I couldn’t record in it because the music was way too loud. This is the bathroom. The place is nice, but I don’t recommend coming here because there isn’t anything special.

just colorful, and their outfits are unique and so on. But I mean.. A new experience, why not? There is a program called CouchSurfing, I have never tried it before.

You can, by using this program, sleep at poeple’s houses, see people who are travelling and want to meet you you can meet them or walk with them.

Even locals in here, they get you out and show you the place. I thought of trying this program, and we found someone who is in this program in here, with us.

This is him The idea of this program is nice. By a chance, the guy was actually nice, and he is in here by his own He is glad he found someone he can hang out with.

I will put the logo of this program above, and if you are traveling alone, try it, you won’t regret it.

My last Day In japan

The day has ended, and we have to go back to the hostel because it is 11:30pm, the last train is 12:30 am. If we are late, we will miss it, and we won’t be able to go back,

because we are living a bit far from here, about 50 minutes by a train. This is a JR pass card. If you want to get it, you need to get it from the outside of Japan.

When I took it, I ordered it from the Tourist Office, and they ordered it for me and sent it to my house.

You can order it online, and they will deliver it to your hotel in Japan. You can ride all the trains in Japan by this card that is under the slogan of JR pass.

It is cheaper to take if you are going outside Tokyo. You can take it for at least a week or 14 days.

I took it for 970 AED ooh, there is no place, how will I enter the train?! There is no place x3 Forget it.

There is no place. It seems like we will wait for the next train. Imagine waiting for the next train, and the time runs out, and we won’t be able to go back to the hotel.

The thing about the train station closing at 12:30 am troubling. If somebody forgot about the time, they’ll sleep on the streets.

People are packed above each other. Honestly, I don’t know how I will ride the train. Above each other.

Earlier, somebody entered and his leg is still outside The door closed on his legs and he pulled them out and pushed everyone.

Anyone who traveled East Asia have seen 7/11 for sure. 7/11 in Japan is a different world.

I will show what they have. They have most of the Japanese dishes like sushi and noodles and anything.

You can find it here, don’t worry if you didn’t have dinner, it is open 24/7. They have a lot of meals. You take the food you want, heat it and eat it comfortably.

it is a nice service. I finally reached the hotel, this is the end . If you liked the my travel blog, don’t forget to like, share and subscribe. See you next week!    

Go Travel Japan Tokyo : My Travel Advise

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