How Much Does It Cost To Travel Australia For 2 months? , Go Bookings Travels

How Much Does It Cost To Travel Australia For 2 months? 

How Much Does It Cost To Travel Australia For 2 months?

A little about us and the travel to Australia:
To plan the trip we needed to understand what the desired style is, so that you can understand if it is relevant to your style then I will detail a bit about us and our trip style.

we are 28-27 year olds took three months off (two months in Australia) from life and went on a couple trip.

Trip style – only a trip, not a work visa.  A month and a half van on the East Coast, from Cranes to Sydney (with van) + Melbourne week + Sydney week (without van) Total Traveling two months in Australia.

not party lovers, not picky about food (we ate well I will detail below). Not picky  In places to stay (sometimes in quality places and sometimes less).

We drove without regard to fuel and it is important for us to exhaust the places we were, so if we were close to something then we probably drove another 100 km off the track to see it.

first The start of the trip – Travel Australia

We were 6 days in Melbourne without a car and stayed with friends, (kings !!).

were 7 days in Sydney and stayed with a family (amazing !!).

were 48 nights with an attached van from Cranes to Sydney.  (Below is a link you will see which vehicle we took).

All amounts are in US dollars (not in Australian dollars) do not know why, sorry if it is inconvenient, to convert the amount to Australian dollars at the rate we were here multiply the dollar by 1.6 and it will be the Australian dollar (sorry).

All amounts are per couple.

The word “investment” is recorded because every “expense” is actually an “investment” in our trip.

There may be slight deviations of amounts resulting from the loss of receipts prior to their registration or the loss of a wallet with receipts of a few days.

The final amount we spent is correct.
This is the full amount we spent in the full two months in Australia.

Calculating costs Traveling in Australia

Car for 48 nights – 2164 dollars  ($ 323 per week ) means 48$ per day.

Fuel – $ 502   The car consumed around 10 kilometers per liter.

Accommodation ( lodging) during the auto-Camp sites, Caravan parks and hostels.  (Extra money for accommodation, sucks but we were required because we did not want / felt comfortable sleeping on the street and getting up early to move the car and risk a fine) – 718 dollars

(about 34 nights we paid for accommodation an average of 32 Australian dollars per night   Cheaper days 13 AUD and were more expensive 45 (this for a couple as we wrote earlier).

Flights to Australia with a departure ticket to Samoa – 2001 dollars .

Domestic flights in Australia – from Melbourne to Cranes and from Sydney to Brisbane – $ 380

Insurance – $ 2.5 per day in Phoenix.

Food in the van period only – 48 nights – everything – 950 dollars  which is 22$ per day – for a couple.

Restaurants – $ 253

Shopping at the supermarket – $ 697, which

Food in the city (Melbourne / Sydney) only – everything – 463 dollars  which is 40$  per day.  couple. 

Melbourne – $ 202, restaurants – $ 165 , shopping at the supermarket – $ 37 . 

Sydney – $ 261, restaurants – $ 201 , shopping at the supermarket – $ 60

Public transportation (buses, trains, ferries, etc.) – $ 241.

Sometimes when contacts with a big bill for the bus and they have no surplus then the driver slips you in without charging money (not in Sydney and Melbourne).

Attractions” – $ 351  (Whitsundays. Yoga, surfboard rental, Magnetic Island, etc.).

Shopping – gifts for ourselves mainly clothes and gifts for our home.  Ahh and we bought a skateboard and fan for the car and tickets to a Elton Gon show (was amazing !!) – we invested 348 dollars .

Buying gifts – if friends read the post, do not expect us to buy only for the family – $ 244,

Unplanned expenses – which surprised us – $ 183.

How Much Does It Cost To Travel Australia For 2 months?

It was a pretty detailed breakdown of our expenses over a two month period, there are some deviations here and there because we purchased things that stayed with us for a longer period and still went into the calculation.

we had to buy expensive plane tickets from today to tomorrow because of the corona and that.  And it cost us everything including everything (flights, van, food, fuel, accommodation, gifts, shopping and a package ) $ 9781.

That it came out to 5433$ per person for two months Australia.

  So far without interpretation and without tips and without conclusions and suggestions for optimization.

  If you keep reading there will be some digging into tips and our opinions on things and a bit on how we conducted ourselves.

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