Traveling Usa To Mexico During Covid, Go Bookings Travels

Traveling Usa To Mexico During Covid

Traveling usa To mexico during covid

We are headed to Cancun. If you’ve been wondering,

what it’s like to travel to Mexico during the pandemic,

we’re gonna show you. Right now, we are sitting inside the Houston airport.

There’s virtually nobody in this airport, We just got done with our first leg from Los Angeles.

That’s one thing to consider, is we were not able to find any direct flights.

And so when you’re planning your trip to Mexico, that’s probably gonna be a condition for you,

if you’re coming from the West Coast like we are. So definitely plan to have a layover.

– So some good things about traveling during COVID,

is that I’ve never seen no traffic like that in LAX. Usually it looks alot of traffic.

So that’s a good part about it. However, the bummer part about it,

is most of the things inside the airport are closed.

There are a few restaurants and a few little gift shops and stuff to grab a drink or something.

But so just something to keep in mind.

We made it to Riviera Maya, Mexico

This is actually one of the few places, as U.S. citizens, that we can travel right now.

It didn’t require a negative COVID test. There was no quarantine.

And so that’s really weird. So Mexico’s one of the very few places that you can come during the pandemic.

So we got in late last night.
Walkedright through customs. – Yeah. – Literally.- No wait, at all.

– That was super awesome. That was good. – And then we rented a car, and that was great,

’cause they did a whole sanitization process on it.

We rented a car, ’causeit’s actually cheaper than taking a taxi down here. I think a shuttle was like, what?

– Like, it was like a hundred bucks round trip or something, but the car only cost uslike $60 for the whole time.

So worked out well. – Yeah, so it’s gonna let us get around if we want to.

beautiful Mayakoba

Right now we’re at the beautiful Mayakoba area.

It’s a really beautiful resort.

But we thought we’d show youa couple of different things because we got in last night, we stayed at an all inclusive.

The all inclusive was really nice. We got there just after dinner was ending

So we unfortunately couldn’t get any food, but we were able tohave a couple cocktails.

They have some different regulations, or different things that they’redoing during the pandemic.

They make you, when you walk into the restaurant, they make you walk on these little steps.

So like these little, whatare they sanitation things?
And then go through, everybody’s wearing masks,everyone’s social distancing.

And for the buffets, they had one way in, they had arrows on the ground, so you knew which way to flow through the buffet.

They had staff to serve the food, because we were not allowed to touch it ourselves, which was great ’cause they were following those guidelines.

And they even had all of the silverware individually packaged and wrapped. So that was another big perk.

And after lunch we made our way to the pool bar.

It was great to see that that was open, that the staff was wearing masks, and they even had hand sanitizerright at the bar for us.

– All at all, I felt safe. Did you feel anything, kind of-
– No, every, felt great.

Traveling Usa To Mexico During Covid, Go Bookings Travels
Mexico Paradise Beach

THe capacity everywhere has been really limited.

So we’re gonna show you alittle bit more about our trip and how easy for you to travel and experience this during the pandemic.

– Well, we were supposed to have a nice little dinner with lobster tail and what ever else awesome that they had,

but we got rained out. So change of plans.

We’re gonna try to celebrate my one year podcast anniversary out in the streets.

FInd some cocktails, some, – [Both] Tacos, – maybe some tequila.

– See what Playa del Carmen has to offer. But wait, you gotta tell them about your podcast.

What’s it called? – “Overcoming You.” – So check it out. It’s amazing. You gotta listen to his podcast.

So another thing we haven’t seen before, is that the menus areembedded in the actual tables.

Which makes it very pandemic friendly, because you don’t have to touch them.

So we’re really enjoying the experience of coming down to Playa del Carmen, Traveling Usa To Mexico During Covid.

– So we got here. IT was recommended by one of the valets, at our resort.

So we got here, they take your temperature. They make you do the Purell.

Get here, the food’s delicious. It smells so good in here. I can’t wait to eat. And we’ll let you know how it is.

What’d you order? – The fajita steak sirloin,with queso, I love queso.

They also have the Saboya, which is the authentic Mexican Saboya.

  Whilewe were in Play del Carmen, the government temporarily opened the beaches.

However, some of Cancun’sare still not open,

but if you are staying at aresort that’s on the beach, most likely you will have access.

leaving Mexico

But that’s definitely something to research before you plan your trip.

– It’s a little bit different. I didn’t think that it was gonna be so busy,

but this airport is a lot busier than it was coming in.

  And there is a mandatory questionnaire that everyone must fillout when leaving Mexico.

This is because of COVID, and it’s part of the security process.

So you have to fill it outbefore you can get through.

Another difference between traveling through the Cancun airport,

compared to the airports in the U. S.

was that all of the shopsand restaurants were open.  It’s a major differencehere at the Cancun airport,

is that the lounges are open. In the United States, noneof the lounges are open.

We have access to this lounge through Priority Pass, which we get through our credit card.

So it’s kinda nice to have a place we can get some food and drinks before we board our flight.

So currently rightnow we’re in our layover from Cancun, to Denver, to Orange County.

And we just thought, we’d give you a little insight of what it is like to travel all the way back.

and forth during the pandemic.

So overall, I gotta be honest,I feel really good about it.

I feel really safe. Cancun, or Mexico rather is one of the few places,Traveling Usa To Mexico During Covid.

that you’re flying from the United States to another country.

It’s one of the few places that we can go without having the COVID test, without being quarantined for 14 days.

So that’s been really good, but I will say that every single place that we went, whether it was downtown,

whether it was the Mayakoba resorts, they were very, very,

adhered to all the masks and they give you cute little what are those?

Sanitation kits, with masks, wipes, everything you would need to feel safe and sanitized.

So for me, if I was gonna change one thing,

I’d recommend to my friends to maybe travel through Cabo, Mexico,

Traveling Usa To Mexico During Covid.

if they are coming from the West Coast, because of lay over right now, it’s really tiring.

It takes a lot of time out of your trip to go back and forth.

I think it’s like nine hours each way that we’re going.

But we stayed at this amazing community, called Mayakoba,

which is why we went. And we’re creating awhole post about that.

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