Best time maldives Travels Trip, Go Bookings Travels

Best time maldives Travels Trip

Best time maldives Travels Trip

Where Do You Spend Your Honeymoon? Most Beautiful Islands In The World

When it comes to honeymoon we always choose The Maldives🏝️ but sometimes we take the risks of going somewhere else like Bali The Philippines.

but there are some islands that we really do not know too much about it Countries Like Mauritius and Seychelles.

I’ve show up but never arrived … and came but without reappear besides,

today, we’re going to The Philippines and The Maldives so all of them makes a honeymoon mixture for singles like me IDK,

why I’m talking about this subject but … it’s for you … and it’s up to you to choose at the end of this post what’s the best island?

Let’s GO we have a surprise at the end of this post otherwise,

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Let’s start from The Seychelles this island is a visa-free for everyone,

we started like this on this plane from Dubai to Seychelles it is located deep south of the Indian ocean the first we arrived in there,

we went to a remote island directly Actually, we took another plane to reach this island where The FOUR SEASONS Hotel is located and we stayed in there for

3 days this is the view of our villa and in front of it is the beach there were so many activities but at the same time …

it is not compared to Mauritius Now, we’re going to move on The Maldives and is it worth all that fame Oh my … My life’s dream is to visit The Maldives We went there 3 times.Best time maldives.

(Where Do You Spend Your Honeymoon? Most Beautiful Islands In The World)

OMG Listen guys, 1 Million Island look at’em just underneath you The Maldives it was our desire to reach this place look at the water just in order to know which planet,

I’m on baby sharks 🦈 because you’re different The Maldives islands … are so expensive This villa is different from the one in Hideaway it’s so special .

even sunset is gonna be this way you can book for a sunset villa 🌇 or a sunrise villa 🌅,Best time maldives

Guys, look how beautiful is the sunset 🌇 Live from my villa room we arrived at the underwater … and Now,

let’s Go to The Philippines to The Coron Island it sounds like 👑🦠… 😱 the one that made all the troubles why it is called like this 🤣 from time to time,

we need to break free and outrun to reach a very remote and isolated islands The Philippines,

Guys The island that’s considered prettier than The Maldives I still don’t know

we need to discover it … to explore it we arrived to this Island and booked a hotel in the middle of it look,

how the sea is just in front of you Coron Island is in the Province of Palawan and Palawan is famous by El Nido Island that we visited 3 years before this area.

where we are is a little far and it’s located between Manilla and El Nido,

Palawan right in the middle we have the whole day to discover every island around this area … The Coron Island Apparently,

we’re going to stop in every place to swim just to swim and in the middle of this forest, there’s a river can you imagine how diverse is this island,

but now it is time for our last Island … which was the last one also to visit between all of these,

which is Mauritius and that is very close to The Seychelles … 2 hours by plane Also in the Indian ocean …

Let’s Go Let’s getting started … Let’s fly … or anything you want, Guys some islands are … so different from the whole world 🌎.

this island is really unique and peculiar just, let me tell you why not The Maldives, nor The Seychelles this time.

Today, we’re … on the Island of … it is so multicultural Multi-religious and not everyone knows about it Mauritius Namaste 🙏🏾 … it has Indians, Africans,

Arabs and Chinese this island was discovered by Arabs in the first place a long time ago Finally,

Guys … tell me in comments below what is the favorite island for you to choose …

for your own Honeymoon 🍯🌙? or maybe with your mates? which one do you think is the favorite one? For me …

The Philippines 🇵🇭 and Mauritius 🇲🇺 … take the pole position because they’re cheap and full of activities The Philippines is the cheapest island between them.

but if you want to stay away from the whole world and isolate yourself just like how we’re quarantined at home 😂 to be so alone.

and where you can just hear the sea sound The Maldives 🇲🇻 and The Seychelles 🇸🇨 but they more expensive than each other

Where Do You Spend Your Honeymoon? Most Beautiful Islands In The World

… it depends on the Hotel ” Resort ” but I think The Maldives is more expensive This is the end .

Best time maldives Travels Trip

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